Play Prompt

Play Prompt



Step 1 - Call Flow name

Step 2 - Configure the prompt to play


This template allows creating a call flow that will play a single prompt, and then drop the call. This could be a Text Prompt, in which the audio is automatically generated using text to speech, or a WAV Prompt, in which you upload the WAV file to play.


Step 1 - Call Flow name

Enter a name for the call flow.

Step 2 - Configure the prompt to play

When configuring the prompt to play, you can select a Text Prompt or WAV Prompt:

  • For Text Prompt:
  • Message: this is the text of the prompt to play. The message can be static, or have variables, to play a different prompt on each call, for example an appointment date, a due balance, and so on. Variables are specified in square brackets:

Hello [CustomerName], you have an appointment with us on [AppointmentDate].

You will be able to provide variable values for each call when uploading the numbers for the campaign.

The message can be plain text, or SSML to customize the generated audio by providing details on pauses, and audio formatting for acronyms, dates, times, abbreviations, or text that should be censored. More information here and here.

  • For WAV Prompt:
  • Upload File:  the WAV file must have the following format:
  • Format: WAV
  • Channel: Mono
  • Bit rate: 8 kHz
  • Sampling: 16 bit
  • Maximum size: 5Mb

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